No plastic.
It’s easier said than done, right?
When Blu Jam Cafe came to Japan 2 years ago, we have strived not only to provide the community with bountiful exceptional food, but to also do our part in the struggle of preserving our environment; lessening our carbon footprint as much as we can. We began with glass containers for our teas and coffee beans. Our take-out bags, boxes, cups, and cup sleeves are now all made of recycled paper.
Blu Jam Cafe では旨味豊かな食べ物を提供するだけではなく、環境に優しく、カーボンフットプリント(炭素の足跡)を減少したい気持ちを込めて2年前に開店させていただきました。コーヒー豆やティーバッグなどはプラスチックコンテナに入れる代わりに、ガラスのコンテナに入れたりします。テイクアウトの箱と袋、カップスリーブなどはすべてリサイクルされた紙を使用しています。
We then found “No Plastic Japan / のーぷら.”
そこで「No Plastic Japan / のーぷら」を発見!
A company that “aims to bring awareness to the issue [plastic use in Japan] and to propose simple actions and alternative products to reduce the amount of single-use plastic used in everyday life.”
Our journey of sustainability continued. We have now traded all of our plastic straws for stainless steel straws in both our Daikanyama and Azabu-Juban branches.
In the few months since our switch, we are happy our guests are continuing to enjoy our smoothies, iced coffee drinks and cocktails plastic-free. And we are now excited to announce our next step in our journey.
Everyone uses napkins. Our restaurant provides brown napkins to guests who have some of our messier items like our Brunch Burger, Fish Tacos, or BBQ Chicken Sandwich — to name a few. We also put them in Uber Eats orders because eating outside, you might need the extra help.
今度はナプキンの出番だった。Blu Jam では ブランチバーガーや フィッシュタコス、BBQ チキンなど、汚しやすい料理には大き目の茶色のナプキンをご用意しています。
So, we’ve begun our transition to eco-friendly brown napkins.
These napkins are made from a mixture of unbleached wood pulp and afforested pulp. Never heard of it? We’re glad you asked!
使用しているナプキンは未漂白の 植林(しょくりん)と木材パルプが含まれています。
For those who don’t know, afforestation is when you plant trees in empty lands to create a forest. And use those trees are used for goods! This attempts at minimizing the overuse of what is left of the planet’s natural environment.
“It is important because it helps check the over-use of natural resources by providing an alternative source pool,” states. によると、「天然資源の扱いすぎの注意をすることで、代替源を求めること重要である」と述べます。
It’s tree farming! And what trees we farm is one more forest tree left untouched.
“Afforestation is also important because large scale afforestation can curb the problems caused due to burning of fossil fuels, industrialization and so forth,”
More trees, more oxygen, less carbon-dioxide. More breathing for a longer time! We like breathing.
We no longer use our old supplies of brown napkins and have switched to using eco-friendly brown napkins! Look for the mark on the back and you will see the label “eco-friendly.”
We know we have a long way to go on our journey, but we are always looking for more ways to benefit our planet and do our part. We hope to inspire the community through our efforts and we hope you join us in being more sustainable at home or at work!
For more information in our efforts, check out our stainless steel straw switch blog post we did a few months ago!