Who doesn’t love dessert?
Blu Jam Cafe Japan では常に新しいデザートのアイディアを考えています。ケーキやクッキー、タルト、パイ、パフェなど!!今年も毎月スペシャル アイテム をお出ししていこうと思います~
Luckily, during our testing phase for our March desserts, we stumbled onto something that will now be a staple in our restaurant. Macarons!
For those who don’t know, macarons (not to be confused with macaroons — yes they are different) are small round cakes with a meringue-like consistency made with egg whites, sugar, and powdered almonds. It’s like a mini sandwich consisting of two halves sandwiching a creamy filling! They originated from Italy in the 8th century where Venetian monasteries first produced them. They eventually made their way to France where it soared in popularity (we can understand why) Today, macarons are made everywhere, and some countries put their own spin on them by using different flours or fillings.
For next month’s special, Blu Jam Cafe Daikanyama will be selling chai-flavored macarons! If you came by our restaurant during this past month, you might have noticed a plate of our February macarons in our display case. Some of you might’ve even had lucked into a free sample sometimes given out by our staff! We received a lot of positive feedback. So, after March, we will be continuing to sell them! We’ll have a new flavor every month if possible, so stay tuned!
Blu Jam Cafe の3月のスペシャルはチャイ・マカロンです!
先月ご来店いただいた方は2月にも マカロンがあったことに気付いた方がいらっしゃるかもしれません。たくさんの方がそのマカロンを食べてくださり美味しい!と言ってくださったので、3月から販売し続けることになりました!
You can get yourself 2 to share for 500 yen! They’ll come wrapped in a cute little to-go bag and ribbon or a nice little box! We are also accepting pre-orders for larger quantities. If you have any inquires you can email us at: info@blujamcafejapan.com with the subject “Macaron Order”
500円でマカロンが2つ 箱に入れてかわいいリボンをお付けいたします。
パーティーサイズもご注文いただけます。お問い合わせは info@blujamcafejapan.com でお待ちしております~ 件名は “Macaron Order” でお願いします。
If you want to see more pictures of our pretty treats, follow us on Instagram and Facebook!
スペシャルデザートの画像は SNS でご覧ください!